August Client of the Month

Daisy & Chance"Daisy & Chance"
Daisy and Chance are a couple of "Fetchaholics!" They have a tennis ball addiction that causes them to radiate sheer JOY when playing Fetch! One can't help but smile when tossing the ball and watch them eagerly try to beat each other to see who will get "the prized possession" first. Rain or shine, hot or not these two are always ready to play fetch! They are the sweetest two creatures that I've seen that have made me realize that it's the "simple things" in life that mean the most! We should take time out from the hectic hustle and bustle of reality and let ourselves get lost in a simple game of fetch every now and then to reflect on what's really important is each other! Thanks Daisy & Chance and thank you to your Masters for letting me get to meet you so that you could teach me what I knew deep inside but lost in the hustle and bustle of life until you had me play fetch with both of you!

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